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Do you want to have this Foodie system in restaurant to do messaging via Edible Food? 

Express you opinions here:

The First International Symposium of Chinese CHI 2013 (Chinese CHI 2013) in Paris

首届中国人机交互国际研讨会(Chinese CHI2013)征稿通知

由“世界华人华侨人机交互协会(International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction, ICACHI)” 发起主办的首届中国人机交互国际研讨会(Chinese CHI2013)将在ACM CHI 2013大会期间、于4月28日在巴黎举行。本次研讨会将包括主旨演讲 、论文宣讲和旅游等活动。
“Chinese CHI 2013”现征集以下类型的论文稿件:
•         概述性论文 (overview papers)
•         探索性论文(exploratory papers)
•         博士论文开题报告书(PhD proposals)


2013年1月14日(午夜北京时间): 递交排版格式(Camera-ready)论文

I am helping DBS bank in Singapore to give a workshop and recruitment talk in NUS. 

DBS is giving an workshop and recruitment talk on User Experience Design, focusing on Microsoft Pixelsense applications. Dec 19, 6:30pm, DBS Remix branch at YIH.

If you are interested, register here

Siggraph Asia is coming back to Singapore this year (Nov 28-Dec 1). It is an exciting event. This is my third time to attend Siggraph Asia, but first time as a Student Volunteer. I attended the 2009 SA in Yokohama Japan as a visitor, 2011 SA in Hong Kong to demonstrate my work accepted in E-Tech, and this year again. 

I did not enjoy the conference that much, since I was always on shift when the exciting sessions were going on, what a pity!!! 

Anyway, I got to know some new friends through the chatting during reception, I am very happy to know them. 


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